Common Causes of Roof Replacements

Centennial's Premier Roofing & Solar Company

When you need a Denver roof repair or replacement, our team at Platinum Roofing is here for you. We will work with you to make sure you always get the solutions you need, no matter what. 

We get a lot of questions about how to know the status of your Denver roofing and how to decide when it’s time to replace that roof. Here’s what we have to say:

Higher Resale Value

As one of the top Denver roofing companies, we can tell you definitively that replacing your roof can improve your property value. You may be able to ask more for your home up front, and buyers may also be more interested in the home because they know they won’t have to deal with the roof unless something unexpected happens. 

Damage from Storms

Storm damage is another common cause of Denver roofing replacements. Hail, in particular, can batter a roof beyond recognition! However, wind, rain, snow, cold, and other aspects of storms are also tough on roofs. Over time, they may damage your roof to the point that the best way to fix it is to get a new one. 

Adding On to the Home

If you’re doing an extensive remodel or adding onto your home, it can look odd to only put a new roof on the new part. Most people opt to replace the roof on their whole home, or to perform extensive Denver roof repair so that the older parts don’t stand out so much. 

The Roof is Old

No matter what kind of roof you have, as your Denver roofing company, we can verify that it won’t last forever. Over time, the roof just doesn’t do its job as well as it once did. When your roof hits that point, you can try repairs and they can hold you over for some time. However, you will likely need to replace the roof eventually because the old one has simply worn out. 

Call Your Denver Roofing Company Today!

Reach out to one of the top roofing companies in Denver when you call us at Platinum Roofing. We have your back and we will make sure you get the roof you need, no matter what. We’ll assess your current roof, make sure a new roof is a good option, then get yours installed ASAP. Call today to start the process now!

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