Reasons You Should Not Lease Your Solar Installation

Centennial's Premier Roofing & Solar Company

When it comes to solar panels in Denver, there are several ways to get them. For the most part, you can rent them or buy them. While renting still gets you the advantages of solar power in Denver, it also comes with some drawbacks.

If you want to learn more about solar panels, call us at Platinum Roofing today. As one of the premier solar companies in Denver, we can answer all of your questions and handle your solar installation in Denver, too. Meanwhile, here’s why it’s better to purchase your solar panels rather than renting them.

Leased Panels Do Not Increase Your Home’s Value…

One of the first things any good realtor will ask you when selling your home is whether you own any solar panels and/or Denver solar battery that they can see. If you own your panels, you can ask more for your home. If you don’t, though, it doesn’t increase the price at all.

…In Fact, They May Make Your House Harder to Sell

Some buyers do not want to deal with leased solar panels, whether the plan is for the panels to go with you or for them to take over the lease. Either way, solar panels can be a hassle. Even when your Denver solar installer did a great job putting them in, there can be roof damage, which the new owner would then have to handle. Additionally, they may not want to deal with solar panels at all.

They Are Expensive to Move

Solar panels and solar batteries in Denver are expensive to move. At a rough cost of $200 per panel, taking them with you adds up fast! Additionally, your panels may not work as well on your new home, depending on its location and how much sun the roof gets. If you can’t move your panels, you may be stuck in a difficult situation.

You Don’t Get Tax Credits

When you buy solar panels in Denver, you can expect approximately a 26% tax credit. When you rent or lease your panels, you don’t see any of this. While your monthly costs for the panels will be lower, that won’t help you when tax time rolls around.

Your Maintenance Will Be Worse

Panels you own come with a warranty, so you can always get the maintenance and solar panel repair in Denver that you need. If something goes wrong with panels you’re leasing, you have to rely on the company you’re leasing them from to fix everything and keep them working well. If they choose to cut corners, you don’t have any recourse.

You May Not See The Same Return On Your Investment

Most of the time, when you lease panels for solar power in Denver, any extra energy they make goes toward paying your rental bill. While that does help you some, it’s not the same as having cash in your pocket when your panels overproduce energy.

If you want to buy solar panels, call us at Platinum Roofing for solar installation in Denver today! We’ll get your home or business the solar power it needs soon!

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